Elder Benson begins his treatment of the proper role of government by first establishing the fundamental that good government should be based on a foundation of principles. He decries the unfortunate reality that most men in political office have a tendency to base their position relative to government programs and political issues on the popularity of the issue, rather than on a firm foundation of true priciples.
"Seldom are men willing to oppose a popular program if they, themselves, wish to be popular – especially if they seek public office."
Elder Benson warns that when men base their positions on the fleeting basis of popular opinion, it can only lead to "public confusion and legislative chaos." This is the situation that seems to prevail in the political climate of today. If Elder Benson is right, and I believe that he is, then one of the remedies to the confusion that abounds in our country at this time is a return to a foundation of time honored and true principles.
An Explanation of Correct Principles
The dictionary definition of a principle is "an important underlying law or assumption required in a system of belief." A principle is a foundation upon which a system of belief can be established and conclusions are derived that guide our thoughts and actions. If a principle is correct, the beliefs that are built upon it and the conclusions that are ultimately drawn will likewise be correct. If, however, a principle is erroneous or unsound, the conclusions based upon that principle will be unreliable. One may accept the old refrain "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" as a basic principle upon which they base their life. That person may eat an apple every morning for breakfast, year after year, then be completely astounded when they contract a serious disease and are forced to either see a doctor or die. Even though this person may claim a principle centered life, the fundamental error in the principle led to an incorrect belief and unreliable actions.
An Example of a Correct Principle
Those with religious faith in a loving God accept as a fundamental principle of life that we are children of a Heavenly Father who loves us and is concerned with our welfare. If we recognize this as a true principle, it is much easier to find the meaning when tragedies strike and hardships are endured in life. We can correctly conclude that God blesses us with difficulties to strengthen us, test us, and refine us, all in preparation for our eventual exaltation. If, however, this basic principle is not understood and believed, when the storms of life blow and challenges threaten to overcome us, it is natural to become embittered and incorrectly conclude that God does not exist, does not love us, or does not care.
Following the monumental tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001, when evil men perpetrated a vicious and hateful attack on innocent men, women, and children, many became disillusioned, asking how God could let such a dreadful thing happen. Because they were not anchored to this simple yet immutable principle, many have lost faith and drifted away from God. Many others, however, despite immeasurable grief and loss that occurred on that fateful day, have cleaved to the Spirit and found comfort and meaning in their faith and trust in God. And this because they were anchored to the true principle that God loves His children.
Why True Principles are so Important
We live in a world that is filled with confusion and deception. In this day we see the fulfillment of the prophecy made long ago by the Prophet Isaiah in which he stated that in the latter-days the Lord would be unhappy with those that “call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness.”[i] The intensity of the confusion is so great in our world that the Lord warned us that even some among the very elect will be deceived. The deceptions that abound in our world are due largely to the inability of mankind to understand and cleave to true and everlasting principles.
[i] See Isaiah 5:20
There are few areas of the human experience that generate more confusion, difference of opinion, and opposing philosophies than the question of the proper role of government in society. From the dawn of time the conflicting ideologies of freedom and tyranny, individual liberty versus centralization, and rights as a divine endowment or as a gift from government, have generated conflict and disagreement. So deep and pervasive are the varying thoughts of men on this topic, only through becoming familiar with and cleaving to correct principles will we be able to avoid being deceived.
True principles are a measuring stick to assess whether we should or should not lend our support to ideas and proposals. If proposals, ideas, or programs align with true principles as revealed by God, we are safe in supporting them. If, however, those things we encounter in the world today run counter to true principles, we must avoid them and oppose them.
The Correct Principles of Proper Government
God has blessed our nation with a Constitution based upon eternal principles. He affirmed this when, through the Prophet Joseph Smith, He stated “the laws and constitution of the people, which I have suffered to be established, and should be maintained for the rights and protection of all flesh, according to just and holy principles.”[ii]
[ii] D&C 101:77
Elder Benson on an earlier occasion spoke of the essential nature of correct principles as a foundation for our government. In his book, God, Family, Country Benson is recorded as saying the following:
"In these sacred documents are embodied eternal principles that no man, group of men, or nation has the right to withhold from others. Here is our basis for freedom of individual achievement. Our Constitution with its Bill of Rights guarantees to all our people the greatest freedom ever enjoyed by the people of any great nation. This system guarantees freedom of individual enterprise, freedom to own property, freedom to start one's own business and to operate it according to one's own judgment so long as the enterprise is honorable.”[iii]
[iii] God, Family, Country, p. 305
It was most certainly by design that Elder Benson began this monumental discourse with a discussion on the necessity of basing sound government on true and eternal principles. If we wish to understand the approved course for our government, as outlined by God, we must seek to identify and understand correct principles. And how can we do this? Elder Benson answered this question for us as well. In the October 1963 General Conference Elder Benson delivered the following guidance to the members of the church.
"May I suggest three short tests to avoid being deceived, both pertaining to this freedom struggle and all other matters.
First, what do the standard works have to say about it? . . . We must diligently study the scriptures. Of special importance to us are the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants.
The second guide is, what do the Latter-day Presidents of the Church have to say on the subject--particularly the living President? There is only one man on the earth today who speaks for the church. . . When speaking under the influence of the Holy Ghost his words are scripture.
The third and final test is the Holy Ghost--the test of the spirit. By the spirit we 'may know the truth of all thing.' This test can only be fully effective if one's channels of communication with God are clean and virtuous and uncluttered with sin. . .
. . . Now, Brothers and Sisters, in this great struggle for free agency justh think what apower for good we could be in this world if we were united. . .
Let us not be deceived in the sifting days ahead. Let us rally together on principle behind the prophet as guided by the prompting of the Spirit."
This is the reason Elder Benson led with this concept to begin his discussion on the proper role of government. May we learn of and cleave to true principles so as to not be deceived and return our nation to a more sure foundation.
In the next post we will look at the specific principles Benson outlined in the Proper Role of Government.
Are We Ready to Listen Yet???
14 years ago
Great post! I'm so glad to see you continuing!
ReplyDeleteI love Benson's "Proper Role of Government" and read it to my kids. I am anxious to read future posts here, and will probably read some of them to my kids (youth) as well!
Hats off to you and all you do... THANK YOU! ;)